Saturday, May 14, 2011

Arequipa, Peru

We made it to Peru!!!

The Plaza the Armas was super busy at 11am on Friday.

 It was great for people watching. The kids loved chasing and feeding the pigeons.

We were picked up at 3:00am!
 Native girl with her alpaca.


 Colca Valley was beautiful with many terraced farms. Click to enlarge photo for a better view.

 Dressed up alpacas.

 Ladies selling "artesanales" at an altitude of 4910 meters (16,109 ft) above sea level. The highest we've ever been. We felt the altitude and it was harder to breathe while just sitting in the bus.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Who dressed the lamas?? Very cute!
    It's like a movie... or a song.. El Condor passa... LOL
